how I went from 1K to 1MILLION monthly VIEWS on Pinterest in 1 year!
why Pinterest?
when I started
stats by month
what I did
have I been consistent?
humble reminder
My Pinterest stats with screenshots for proof!
CURRENTLY, ending 2024 with:
front-end stats take a bit longer to update, so here's an accurate look at my almost-1MIL Pinterest views at 31 December 2024:
^STATS in the last 30 days of 2024^
I remember starting 2024 with a specific goal for Pinterest...
I just wanted my main Pinterest stats to all hit 100.
100K monthly views (or "impressions")
100 outbound clicks (when someone clicks onto your link attached to your pin, for me: my links direct towards my blog posts here!)
I started at just over 1K monthly views and 2 outbound clicks (2 in 30 days by the way!), at the beginning of 2024, and felt like it was quite far-off to reach these 100's, but a goal is set to get there right? Even if just a bit closer!
^^ here you can see my Pinterest Analytics (stats report) for the last month of 2023 to 1 January 2024. I started 2024 with these stats, which felt very far from my goal...
To my bestest suprise ever, it hasn't even reached the end of 2024 (I am writing this on 11th December 2024 but you will see this in January 2025) and I have exceeded ALL of my Pinterest goals!
EDIT: it's 31st December 2024... guys...GUYS!!! how on earth... my Pinterest stats skyrocketed BEYOND my imagination... I had to come and edit my blog post so you see how much my stats changed in only the LAST 2 weeks of 2024!!!! Later in this post, I put both stats from 11th December AND 31st December 2024, just to show you how WILDLY stats can change, and just shows that you need to keep going, even if you're not that consistent (which I share about my own consistency too in this post; HINT: I was not consistent most of 2024).
My aim with this post is to have you see all of my Pinterest stats growth, by month, see what I did, how I did it, whether I was consistent or not (hint: I wasn't for most of the year), and so you can find the same success on Pinterest for your Blog or online business too!
why Pinterest?
If you're not ALREADY onto Pinterest, then I've got to tell you why I love it (not sponsored whatsoever).
As a Blogger, I find Pinterest to be the best social media platform to make it easy for users to actually leave the platform.
We LOVE THIS because we want people to go to our Blogs, which we are using Pinterest to promote.
By this I mean, in just one-click a Pinterest user can go onto the link you want them to vs other social media, like Instagram or Tiktok, which requires people to go onto the link-in-bio for them to see the links you are trying to share (which is just more steps and reduces the likelihood of people actually going onto your Blog, because it's just longer, and people want things instantly otherwise they lose interest).
Another reason is their scheduling feature! Pinterest allows you to schedule Pins for up to 30-days ahead of time, which is amazing for you to be more hands-off and for automation of your Blog's marketing.
I think Instagram does this now too (which I might expand into in 2025 - if I do, I'll share my success stats with you all also!), but Pinterest was the only one to be able to do this when I started back in September 2023, and for me, I love this since I don't have to worry about being on socials all the time. I like to create, schedule and then let it do its thing, which is the whole point right! We want time to also live our lives...
when I started
So, for some short context, I started my Pinterest in September 2023, so a bit before 2024 started.
It was very different to how it is now!
I had a different brand name (same niche), brand aesthetic, bio, pin aesthetic, and hadn't started this Blog yet!
Stats at this point were 0k, as every other beginner, but I'd say growth was quite good (just still no actual online business to promote on there at that point, since I was still exploring different online businesses - I touch on my side hustle ventures, pre-Blog, in another blog post here).
Despite having no solid online business plan or idea at the time, I knew it would be important and become valuable to build a community and an online presence regardless, for when that online business would come to exist, which is now this beautiful community here called 'in her Full Effect'.
From September 2023 (start of my Pinterest page) to end of December 2023, I grew from 0K impressions and 0 outbound clicks monthly, to around 1.8K views and 2 outbound clicks (monthly stats).
I am mostly looking at 3 stat-types here, which are monthly impressions (for traction), outbound clicks (getting viewers to our Blog, which will help me get monetised when I hit the target to apply for Ad agencies - more on this in another post), and followers (to build a community). This is my current marketing focus; to reflect what I want to do with my brand and community here!
Now, onto 2024...
stats by month
These monthly stats are from the end of each 2024 month, by monthly views (impressions) and then outbound clicks.
January - 4.6K impressions, 10 outbound clicks
February - 11.4K impressions, 8 outbound clicks
March - 33.5K impressions, 24 outbound clicks
April -53.5K impressions, 36 outbound clicks …when I rebranded; changed my Pinterest brand to 'in her Full Effect' and when I started my Blog here!!!♡
May - 89.9K impressions, 82 outbound clicks
10th June was the day I hit a whole 100,000 monthly views on Pinterest!! I was over-the-moon!! I had hit one of my 100-stat goals only half-way through the year!
July - 85K impressions, 58 outbound clicks… we'll go into why there was a dip in stats later on.
August - 141.8K impressions, 103 outbound clicks …
August was the month I hit my second goal on 100 outbound clicks on my Pinterest!! This was HUGE since outbound clicks is what will get people over to reading the content I'm creating here on the blog!
September - 150.5K impressions, 95 outbound click
21st October was the day I hit my third and final Pinterest goal for 2024, which was 100 followers on my Pinterest!This was equally HUGE for me and my brand here, since I want to create a sustainable online business beyond the Blog, where we build a community out of 'in her Full Effect'!
Also, you can see on the main page the stats show as 156K monthly views, but it always takes a bit longer for front-end stats to become up-to-date (I'm not sure why). The back-end stats of October 2024 show as the following:
- 161.8K monthly views and 113 outbound clicks
10 months into 2024, I had achieved ALL of my Pinterest goals for the year!! I was super proud of myself, and it was now about maintenance OR continual growth for me.
November - 186.8K impressions, 123 outbound clicks
11th December (the day I am writing MOST of this post) - 251K impressions, 155 outbound clicks
That is absolutely CRAZYYYY of me to revisit, like I have achieved a quarter of a million views IN A MONTH.
250,000 people seeing my pins in ONLY 30 DAYS!
If I can do it, so can you!
I couldn't believe I had achieved QUARTER OF A MILLION Pinterest views, and then 2 weeks later (today, when I am editing this) I pretty much achieve the 1 MILLION Pinterest view mark right before 1st January 2025, for a brand new year!...
31st December 2024. JUST WOW - 977.5K impressions, 759 outbound clicks !!!!!
In the space of 2 weeks (!) my monthly views more-than TRIPLED AND my outbound clicks grew by 4.5x!!!
1 million was going to be my 2025 Pinterest goal... little did I expect, think or IMAGINE the last 2 weeks of 2024 would skyrocket the way it did for my Pinterest stats...
Now, I know it's not quite 1 million but it will be in 1 or 2 days into 2025, by the exponential rate at which my Pinterest stats are growing!
Today is the 2nd of January 2025, and we have hit 1 MILLION VIEWS ON PINTEREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSS, LET'S GOOOO!!!
…and almost 1K outbound clicks!
This has shown me to aim A LOT HIGHER than I started off with.
Beginner me, at the start of 2024, had no idea I would reach such heights so soon, and it's a HUGE confidence boost and encouragement for me; for2025 and beyond.
NEW 2025 GOAL : Bring on 10 MILLION monthly views on Pinterest for 2025, and 1K outbound clicks!!
what I did
What I did in the first 6 months (inconsistently) or so:
posted 3 pins per day from Monday to Friday
tested different times but mostly at 12:00, 17:00 and 18:00 (UK-time)
pin aesthetic was mostly just text on coloured background, with some pins using Canva stock-free, boss-woman images, with minimal text over the top
not having a website so no outbound links attached to pin
Then, I rebranded and that is when in her Full Effect was born, I narrowed down into my unique colour palette, font types, and more-focused aesthetic of elegant/chic within the boss-woman niche (which took some time but totally worth it to level-up my brand!).
I then slightly changed and started doing the following (which I still do today):
posting 2 pins EVERYDAY
posting at the same times: 10:00 and 17:00 (UK time)
posting the same 3 or 4 variations of pins; some images but mostly text, branded font and colour scheme
outbound link attached to EVERY pin to the blog post I am promoting
Have a look at my Pinterest here if you're curious!
reason for my strategy
You might be wondering "did she say she posts the same pins but just in 3 or 4 variations?" YES, literally. If you have a look at my Pinterest, you will see all of my current pins follow the same aesthetic, and pattern, but with different media on each.
That's exactly what I am doing, and just changing the text depending on the blog post I am promoting.
This is because I haven't figured out how to endlessly create and batch different-looking pins, that all follow the same aesthetic, so my priority is to have Pins go out even if they are identical in appearance, the content will be different and I want to give the pins time to start ranking (since it should take a few months for pins to start ranking higher on Pinterest's algorithm, and therefore, showing to more people!).
This is from my what I have observed in MY OWN RESEARCH of my Analytics, since most of my Top-performing Pins, right now, were posted around January 2024, so it takes TIME to rank. And I want to make sure I am always showing up on Pinterest everyday, even if it is not perfect, I want to learn and evolve. The only way to do that is by continuously showing up.
If you scroll down through my Pinterest, you will see Pins that are VERY DIFFERENT to what I post now, and that just shows growth and commitment to becoming better at Pinterest marketing.
I've heard some people use tools to do this, so if I try and it actually works I will let you know but, as of now, the way I create pins is by:
Creating 3 to 4 pins on Canva that reflect my branding kit (colours, font types, aesthetic using stock-free images from Canva)
Change text and alternate which ones I post to my Pinterest, making sure my feed looks nice and cohesive
Importantly, even though I kept to the same or similar strategy in terms of how much I posted on the platform, and how often, what I DID DO to skyrocket my stats, was do monthly reviews of my analytics, see what pins were working, and using that knowledge to recreate an improved next batch of pins.
Create, analyse, optimise
Rinse and repeat!
Even if you're not quite sure if your observations are accurate, it forces you to play with the content and analytics, and actually learn without you even realising it.
The more you use and engage with the platform --> the more you learn --> the better you get at understanding Pinterest --> the more quality content you share on Pinterest --> and consequently, the higher the stats go!
have I been consistent?
I would say out of the 12 months in 2024, there were a good 4 months (roughly) that I was just completely off Pinterest, because things in life happen you can't expect or plan for all the time. I share quite a lot about it in my content once I got back to my Blog. It was a lot to do with the following:
So NO, I was not consistent and not perfect for the whole of 2024, and I STILL got to 250,000 monthly views on Pinterest. SCRATCH THAT, 1 MILLION!!
Take that as social proof that you can too!
You don't need to show-up perfectly, or ALL the time (even though it's the ideal scenario, but we are not robots, and life happens too) but what matters is you keep going, whenever you can.
I have been consistent as much as I had the capacity for, given how life has gone for me in 2024, and I think that's the realest thing we can do as Bloggers and online business owners, and just as humans.
Keep it real with yourself, and know when you have to put yourself first, even if achieving your dream of becoming a full-time entrepreneur is your ultimate 2024 GOAL. Look after yourself first, get your life sorted, and then keep going at your Blog or online business, because then you will show up with MORE strength and MORE space for creativity, bringing you bigger and better things in your business.
KEY NOTE: I do have to say one the main drives with me keeping going, even if there were moments I wasn't consistent this year of 2024 is the fact that I set myself a SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely) goal. Setting myself the specific goal of reaching the 100's in Pinterest stats by the end of the year (monthly views / impressions, outbound clicks and followers) meant I kept working on my craft in Pinterest marketing, until I got to the point where my strategy generated the outcomes I set myself to achieve!
humble reminder
A major topic in the online business world, is consistency.
I will be honest, I was NOT consistent the whole, or even most, of 2024. The dip you saw in stats around July was because I just wasn't pinning.
Life was getting quite overwhelming, and it reflected in my business; both Blog and its marketing on Pinterest.
I definitely had quite a few months where I just didn't post pins, so don't feel the pressure or be too hard on yourself if you don't pin as regularly as you think you should.
You can still achieve amazing stats within the year just as I did!
The most important (and I know it will sound cliché) but it's to just not give up! Even if you don't pin for a few months, because of one reason or another, continue when you are mentally and emotionally capable to again, and come back stronger, as I did.
Allow yourself to re-evaluate your Blog's (or online business) current standpoint, and let your Pinterest reflect that growth also. Keep levelling up in all avenues possible. I know we are ambitious and impatient to achieve our dream life, but don't forget, we still have our whole life to do that too!
The level-up takes time, takes trial and error, and takes awareness (actively looking for what could be better) but baby steps get you a long way by the end of a whole year!
Just start creating content and putting it out there, whether it's on your Blog or pins on your Pinterest, don't worry too much about the perfect aesthetic, you will learn and you will evolve as you go along.
In the moment, it might feel like you are not progressing, but repeatedly doing a little bit (in the way that you can) has AMAZING impacts at the end of a year, even if in personal growth more than analytics.
That's all from me today, a very in-depth blog post with everything I did so you can replicate the success and see that it doesn't have to be too complicated, it might just take some time.
And as always, before we go, our mantra…
Own your Womanhood. Own your Time.
I’ll be logging updates throughout this whole journey as a mother-to-be, working to be an entrepreneur, but to also still preserve the girlhood within, to try and be her best self, and live her happiest life, so keep-up with me through the blog!
I release a new blog post every Friday at 1pm! (UK-time)
Let me know if you’re in a similar headspace (pregnant or not), being in our 20s is confusing, and taking control of our story is the only way we can take ownership of our happiness and live out our dream life.
I document my unwanted pregnancy journey at 25, taking control of my narrative, figuring out being a girl in my 20s, chasing my dream life, and conquering my boss babe dream of becoming a self-employed, entrepreneur / Blogger!