launch your blog alongside a full-time job: is it doable?


  • starting

  • is it possible?

  • is it worth it?

  • is it realistic (sustainable)?

  • recap

  • takeaways

This talk is all about getting you to DO IT, inspiring the belief that it IS doable, and breaking down any perceived myths around what it takes to create, and launch, your blog, alongside a full-time job in your 20s.

I have other content on the Blog, going over how to launch your blog with a 9 to 5; the step-by-step, how to time manage, and how to build a profitable online business as an introvert; using Blogging.

I would recommend reading in the following order, to provide you with a smooth guide to taking action:

  1. Read this blog post first to figure out whether you think Blogging will be doable for you, alongside a 9 to 5, and general life in your 20s.

  2. Read my other post here to learn how to time manage your life to balance your blogging business with life in your 20s.

This will set you up to:

  1. Mentally transition into the version of you that believes it is possible, and you can do it!

  2. Have all the steps, how I did it, the platforms, links, EVERYTHING, to eliminate any mental blocks from trying to figure it all out by yourself.

  3. Practically arrange your time to make it all come together.

By the end of these three steps, you will have the mindset, the tools, and the time to launch your Blog, alongside a full-time job.

If you're still feeling slightly anxious about this new journey, explore my Blog since I make sure to provide you with as much support, advice, personal tips, and guides to motivate you, reassure you, and EMPOWER YOU.

Let's get started!

Here, we will break down any barriers that you think may stop you from launching your Blog.

In order to do that, we will be talking through the three MAIN questions we all think about, when wondering whether to start a Blog.

This one is for the girlies, who deep down, already know Blogging is for them, but just need a little nudge to make it happen. Maybe you just need to hear that it is possible, maybe you just need someone like you, to make it feel like it can be real.

I'm here for that.


Before we get into it, let me just say: I get it. I have been her, I have been you, in this current moment.

You already have a lot on your plate, just trying to survive with a job to pay the bills, finance your lifestyle; specially when living in a city like London, you also want a social life, or simply time to relax, and have no obligations from life whatsoever. You don't want to put your head-down and hustle your life away, through your 20s, but you also don't want the opposite; having all the fun but not building anything that will get you out of the 9 to 5 / working for somebody else.

You want something in-between, but you wonder if that is possible, worth it, realistic even?

Adding an online business into the mix can feel overwhelming, even before the taking action takes place. But, I can assure you that your desire to become financially free will never go away; you are meant for it. Even if it takes years, which we are not striving for, but EVEN IF IT DOES, at least you'll get there sooner; the sooner you start. I know if I started 3 or 4 years ago, I would probably not be working a full-time 9 to 5, however, I had the same thoughts back then also.

The difference is that now I have actually entered the workforce, and rely on each paycheck to sustain my bills and lifestyle; that is what truly pushed me to finally take action, because I felt it in my whole being, how draining and unbearable it is to keep on living this way, as it relates to work.

When you're in such a despair at the thought of having to spend the rest of your life in this cycle of endless hours being unhappy in the office, and living for the weekends, counting down the minutes until the end of shift, wishing your life away in the process; the thought of trying to get out doesn't seem as overwhelming anymore.

I talk about this in battling fear as an entrepreneur, and how fear allows for a reference point that forces us to do something about our circumstances. This is the point I got to, and this is perhaps where you are now.

I just want to reinforce that everything you're feeling now, I have felt, many others are feeling, and will carry on to feel, but you can do something about it.

Acknowledging that you are ready to take action, no matter how imperfect and messy it may be at-first, is already a good start.

Now, into the questions...

is it possible?


You'll notice a recurring theme with these answers, but just to really help you visualise how possible it is; there was probably a time in your life (not long ago) you didn't think you were capable of what you are now.

Did that mean that your current self, and reality, wasn't possible? No.

It just meant you had to step-into that version of yourself, and reality. Nothing is impossible, unless you deem it to be. I'd say adulting is a good example of this one, hear me out.

I remember being so shy in secondary school, barely talking in class; that version of me would have NEVER imagined my current self doing what she does now. She public speaks, she has developed social skills, and knows how to pull-off a conversation with anyone. She might still feel certain fear doing it, at-times, but she can do it.

The same applies to anything else in life. Now, look to yourself. Is there something now that you would have never imagined doing before?

No matter how small or big, we all have an answer to this question because we are all girlies in our 20s, who have had to do some type of adulting that probably doesn't make us feel the most comfortable. We have all grown, and this is a sign that we can keep doing it again, in the way we wish, to mould our reality to be.

We just need to be intentional with how we shape our reality, and work with our circumstances; we need to embrace this like any other goal in our life.

Launching a blog alongside a full-time job sounds like a LOT, but when you start focusing on how to make it work, instead of all of the reasons that make it hard, you start to stimulate your brain to strategize and problem-solve in ways you never have before.

Another reason we all know it is possible: social proof. If others can do it, why can't you?

They don't have a special superpower, that make them more capable than you. They simply took it step-by-step, and took it seriously by taking action, even if they had no idea what they were doing.

Now, it can be hard to believe what you see online; I know that, but it is not always about who to believe, but to know that there are real cases.

If that isn't enough to convince you it is possible, then I am your proof. I am her. I have done it, am doing it, and will succeed doing it. I share all my experience, tips, journey with you, and no, I have not quit my full-time job yet, but I have launched my blog alongside it, and live happily knowing that my business and community, built here, will grow to heights beyond my current imagination.

I want that to be you too. I want you to feel so fired up by your self-belief that you know you can do it. You may not know how, or what to do, but you will figure it out, just as I am.

So, is it possible? After reading this, you tell me what your intuition is telling you.

is it worth it?


If you're keeping me company here, then girl, you and me are the same. We are girlies wanting to share our thoughts, and inspire a community of other girlies in their 20s to start their online business, quit their 9 to 5, and become financially free. We want that to come true through Blogging.

If that's what we want, and our intuition tells us this is the right next-step for us, then how would it ever not be worth it?

Let's just take a minute to imagine how much this could change our life, and of those around us:

  • We could earn passive income online.

  • Our Blogs could set us, and our loved ones, free from the 9 to 5; financial freedom for us all.

  • We could become our own bosses, and have more time freedom and location freedom.

  • We could nurture an awesome baddie community of women in their 20s with like-minded goals and dreams.

  • We could make so many great, like-minded friends, with other girlies, who share the same vision as us.

  • We can help inspire and guide others, just like us, to achieve their dream life.

I mean, if that doesn't do it for you, then I don't know what will. That sounds pretty amazing to me!

I know, you are probably also asking, well what if the blog doesn't succeed? Well, it will only not succeed if you stop, or if you lack belief in what you are doing.

If you lack belief in what you are doing, then maybe it isn't that you are doing it wrong, but maybe what you are doing just doesn't 100% align with you and your purpose, in which you would just redirect your path.

If at some point, in your journey, you decide to change your direction, then that will be fine also; you will come out of this adventure feeling more resilient, having acquired more knowledge and insight into the online world, and having nurtured more inner strength and self-confidence that you go after your dreams.

You can never come out of this losing, you can only come out of this stronger and more experienced than before, both in business and personally, so it is worth it nonetheless.

is it realistic (sustainable)?


Sometimes, I feel like we are fed the narrative that dreams cannot be real, and in some cases I get it; clouds won't suddenly become pink and unicorns won't fly across our skies. HOWEVER, dreams of becoming our own self-employed boss woman, making money online from our vision, and striving to achieve this, no matter how much time we have available, is a dream that is both possible, worth it, and therefore: realistic.

The notion that we create our own realities, dictates that we decide what we make real in our lives.

Our visions may take a while to come into its truest tangible form, but once you can see it in your mind, and feel it, and believe in it wholeheartedly, NO ONE can tell you it isn't realistic.

The realism of your dream is in your hands. YOU are the one who decides how realistic it is to build your dream life, alongside a full-time job.

How? By shuffling things around, and making your circumstances work until you have achieved somewhat of a routine that works for you.

This one heavily ties into the time factor of launching your Blog alongside a full-time job and life in your 20s, since I feel this is the greatest barrier most girlies face when debating whether it is realistic (so I'd check that one out to help you see that you don't have to be a robot that puts in 100 hours, I personally don't; yet I still get, what I need to, done).

Determining how realistic something is, is just another way of asking how sustainable will this be for you? We don't want to burn out, we don't want to sacrifice time with our loved ones, we appreciate and cherish our life and time, and worry we will have to give this all up if we decide to add another responsibility into it; one that we will care about a lot!

It does not have to be that way! I'm glad you found my Blog, because we are all about being as sustainable with the way we balance our life in our 20s, with our goals and dreams, so we can feel like we are making the most of life, and feel as fulfilled as possible. Fulfilment will only make us be even more DRIVEN.

The key is finding what sustainable means to you; if you have read my post on how to make time then you will have the full blueprint on how to define this for yourself. All you need is a notebook, pen, and some alone-time for a few minutes and you would've cracked the code on this one.

I keep things as simple as they can be, remove all the expectations from myself (as much as I can), and stick to the mentality that a little each week will get me there faster than nothing at all.

Uncover how you can make launching your Blog sustainable for you, alongside your full-time, and you won't ever concern yourself with whether this is realistic for you or not.

It all comes down to evaluating your time availability, your priorities, and your intentions with how you want to live your life in your 20s, and beyond.


I feel like we have covered A LOT of ground in this chat, but I hope this blog post has given you back some of the control, you may have doubted having.

YOU are the one who decides how doable anything is, given your circumstances, and how you work with them.

It kind of feels like when you're playing cards sometimes; you need to see what you're working with, have a strategy, and believe in your execution. You might not get it initially, since none of us are born knowing, but if you keep trying, anything is achievable!

Girl, I believe in you, and I know if I did it, so can you! I am just like you, and so, I have all the faith in the world that you will be successful. You just need to peel back some of those myths and barriers you may be holding against your dream life, and most importantly, take action in a way that works for you.


Is it Possible: YES.

  • You just have to step-into that version of yourself, grow into the person that makes it happen.

  • Social proof: others are doing it, so why can't you.

  • I have done it, and I am doing it. I believe in you.

Is it Worth it: YES.

  • If our intuition tells us, and we feel as if it is the right next-step, then how can it ever not be worth it?

  • Just allow yourself to imagine all the amazing possibilities that could come from launching your Blog; it is at least worth trying.

  • Even if your Blog didn't work out, it would be worth it. You would come out of this venture a lot stronger, wiser, and more experienced with the online world.

  • Sometimes if it doesn't work out, it just means your path needs to be redirected onto one that better aligns with your purpose, which would still make it worth it so you can truly discover what is meant for you.

Is it Realistic: YES.

  • We are the ones who decide what we make real in our lives.

  • The greatest barrier most girlies face is the time factor, when questioning whether this is realistic, but anything can be resolved as long you try to look for a solution.

  • When we ask whether it is realistic, we are really asking whether it is sustainable. The key is finding what sustainable means to you, and then launching your Blog according to what it would for you to achieve this without burning out, and sacrificing your joy.

  • Keep things simple, and you'll see everything becomes a lot more sustainable, in action.

I hope this blog post has encouraged you, and made you feel as if you have all the tools and resources, mentally and physically to embrace such a beautiful journey that Blogging may be, and that having a full-time does not have to stop us from chasing our dream careers, and that having both doesn't have to stop us from living life as girlies in our 20s either!

Own your Womanhood. Own your Time.

I’ll be logging updates throughout this whole journey as a mother-to-be, working to be an entrepreneur, but to also still preserve the girlhood within, to try and be her best self, and live her happiest life, so keep-up with me through the blog!

I release a new blog post every Friday at 1pm! (UK-time)

Let me know if you’re in a similar headspace (pregnant or not), being in our 20s is confusing, and taking control of our story is the only way we can take ownership of our happiness and live out our dream life.

I document my unwanted pregnancy journey at 25, taking control of my narrative, figuring out being a girl in my 20s, chasing my dream life, and conquering my boss babe dream of becoming a self-employed, entrepreneur / Blogger!


WHAT TO DO to achieve your dream life? ☾ finding your way, traditional job, money online, no idea.


navigating life in Your 20s🌊: direction, ambition, enjoying life, and womanhood.